Attitude pictures haha. So unglam. Anyways, there's so much to say, yet so little time. Hm, Im just too lazy to type. Till than, bye.
Anyways, I really don't mean to say this. No matter how much problems I have with you, I never put them up on my page. All because I respect our privacy. Yah, you're right. Its a complete waste of time to argue over this. Complain, complain, complain. That's all you're good for. I may say things without thinking, but those are just mere words or jokes. When Mr I or Mr A ask to meet up, have I ever gotten down to doing it? Never. All because I respect your opinion. Even the graveyard thing, did I in the end? Never. So you have no rights to say that I am not trying to be a better person for you. Cos technically, I've not done anything to hurt you.
I don't think I have any mood to talk to you for the moment. And about you dropping by her workplace, I don't intend to stop you. BUT I see no sense in you going down, cos even her good friends don't bother. (And you dare say there are just too many superheroes around, aren't you one too?) Honestly, you both are not even close friends, worse still, just mere acquaintances now, and you're taking the extra mile to go down to see her and all. I don't intend to criticise you either but honestly, don't you think its kinda desperate of you? I may yack about people you don't like once in a while, but do I bother to go the extra mile to please them? Why? Because they don't mean anything to me that I have to feel obliged to do so. Hm whatever luh, you're old and MATURED enough to decide whats best for yourself anyway. I don't think the thoughts of a younger and more immatured person would matter so much to you.
My blog is meant for me to take down happy and memorable moments. After this post, I don't intend to waste my time complaining about you anymore.
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